APPLY to be in the Braver Together Mastermind!! CLICK HERE 

Braver Together Mini-Mastermind Holiday 2022

What in the world is a mastermind?  

A mastermind is a group of peers who meet to give each other input, advice, suggestions and support.  It is a group that is built on trust and often includes people in differing industries, locations and types of business models.  Depending on who you ask, it might have anywhere from 6-12 people.

It often includes live events, virtual opportunities and asynchronous mentoring and access in between.  In a mastermind group, you will both give and receive advice, strategy ideas and mindset.  A mastermind provides a chance for more mastery.  

Mastermind groups often involve brainstorming, educational presentations and even discussing personal issues. Many people think of these groups as mastermind classes, but they are not a class. There is no single teacher with a prepared lesson.

So what is a mastermind group really? It is a “meeting of the minds” – a place where you can speak the truth and expect it in return.

Let me confess:  I had been hosting one for 8 years before I actually invested in one.  Crazy.   I am in a $10k mastermind.  This is different than the courses I have paid for, the workshops, the group coaching programs.  It is also different than what I do with a private coach.  Why? The power of the group dynamic.

I am ALL IN on Masterminds.  In fact, moving my entire business to be mastermind-centric… is that a word?  

The one I am in…totally WORTH IT!! 

In order to give you a glimpse into the experience of being in one, I wanted to open up a one month experience for you to get a TASTE TEST~~

This is now called a Mini-Mind in some circles. 

30 days.  Yes.. during the holidays!

I want you to be confident. I want you to know what you are enrolling in before you apply for my one year mastermind.  The Braver Together Mastermind.  

I want you to experience the power of the conversations during our month together! And you will also get the chance to use your mini-mind investment towards enrolling in the one year mastermind, if you decide to move forward.  

Curious? Keep reading~~

I have created the Braver Together Mini-Mastermind Holiday Experience just for you!! 

In this 30 day Mini Mastermind Experience, you will:

  • Choose a goal or focus for our 30 days together, not sure... I can help, we can help 
  • See the power of community in action
  • Stay engaged during the holidays and yet have plenty of time with FAMILY
  • Meet with me and your group twice on Zoom for 2 hours

Connect with women committed to transformation!! 

What do you want to focus on?

  • Do you want to get your website launched? 
  • Are you wanting to create an email habit to message your list? 
  • Are you wanting to book speaking events?  
  • Reach a certain income goal?  
  • Plan your messaging and marketing for 2023?
  • Pre-sell your 2023 programs?

YOU will select whatever goal you like, based on what you're currently focusing on in your business.

This will be your mastermind focus for our month together and you'll share it with the group.  And of course, you will get all sorts of other ideas, input and options.  

There is no one right FOCUS OR GOAL!! Haha. 

It is my desire to help you see the power of the group, connections, asking for help and being vulnerable.  It is amazing to watch and experience connections, collaborations and sharing happen inside of the group. 

In our mini-Mastermind you will:

  • Get Input, Suggestions and Feedback from other faith based Business Owners and Entrepreneurs
  • Experience the chance for hotseats inside our zoom mastermind
  • Tap into the wisdom of the group in our Voxer/Telegram Channel

As we each share our wins, ask questions, get input, we learn exponentially.  It multiplies.  

You'll share your focus with the group and have a chance to ask them questions about what they'd do in your shoes, mistakes they've made that you should avoid, and get clarity & validation on how to move forward.

The goal is that you'll get too learn from the experience that others have had, allowing you to get incredibly specific and helpful advice so you can get things done faster, avoid common mistakes, and have more confidence as you move forward.

The power of a mastermind is experiencing curated high-level Conversations

Each week we'll also be having a  high-level conversation to help you see any mindset blocks you have that are holding you back from growth, and to help you find clarity and confidence as you move forward and create the business you truly want to have.  Most of them will be about things like simplifying your business, clarity, alignment, self-trust, overcoming resistance, and ease.

Experience what it's like to be in Diane’s new Braver Together Mastermind

You'll have 2 Mastermind meetings that I'll run exactly like the full Braver Together Mastermind so you can see first-hand what it's like to be in a mastermind.

November 15th and December 6th at 12:00 CST for 2 hours 

And our Telegram Channel for ongoing discussion

This will give you a much better sense of if it'd be a good fit for you to commit to joining the group for a full year.

This is NOT for everyone...

While the full Braver Together Mastermind is highly curated and is invite-only, this Mini Mastermind is minimally curated.

After you enroll, you'll answer a couple of quick questions to get to know you and your biz and make sure you're ready for this. If I have further questions and we chat and determine it's not a good fit for you yet, you'll get a full refund.

Not sure? Go ahead and enroll and/or send me a private message  and we can figure it out together.

Here's what you should have in place:

  • An Offer that Sells Consistently
  • An awareness of your ideal client 
  • A desire to get clarity and increase confidence

The intention here is that you already understand the basics of what you're doing (how to list build, how to convert clients, how to deliver your product, etc) and are willing to share your experience with others.

You are likely doing this full-time, or are very close to making this your full-time employment.

You're not just starting out and have been selling consistently, having done at least a few launches or have some sort of consistent sales process in place.

You don't have to have everything figured out or hit some imaginary level beyond that, though. 

We are going to experience this together~~ you will love it!! 

Get your seat today…. Spots are limited!!

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